Meaningful Use

J. Douglas Heslep, Jr., CHBC
Senior Associate
Many practices who attested to meaningful use are being audited. The audits require that you prove your meaningful use. You might be selected because of suspicious entries in your attestation. Or, you could be selected randomly. Do you have all the documentation well organized that you will need to provide proof of the attestation for all the measures? Can your system produce reports that provide the proof? If not, you are going to have a hard time passing the audit.
If you get a notice of audit contact us and let us assist you through the process. This is not something to take lightly and it’s not going away. If you do not deal with it appropriately your entire incentive payment for the audit year is at risk.
If you have questions on meaningful use, Stage 1 or Stage 2 or other practice management or EMR system issues, contact J. Douglas Heslep, Jr., Senior Associate, at or 770-951-8427.